1. Cleanser/Face Wash
Did you know this one is of my favourite? Dah berapa tahun aku stick to this cleanser. Actually it does not do much pun. Perasan tak kulit kita ada masa-masa dia tiba-tiba tak sesuai pakai suatu produk contohnya cleanser yang kita dah berbulan-bulan pakai, tup tupp bila pakai rasa lain, macam tak sesuai. Aku pernah rasa macam tu. Aku pernah rasa nak tukar cleanser ni because I tend to get bored by the same product and dia macam tak rasa miracle masa dulu pakai. If you're wondering, that is actually your skin yang react. Maybe your skin reacted to the product that you recently use ke, or the sheet mask you baru beli, the serum or anything la might be the reason. And it depends on your situation, pollution ke, habit suka pegang muka ke, many reasons to state here but as long as you know your skin better. I like this cleanser sebab berbuih tak berbuih sangat. Haaa dia macam tu. Kalau tak suka berbuih jangan mix dengan air banyak sangat. The feeling after cleansing tu rasa selesa. Tak kering. Does not feel soapy atau rasa ketat kat muka.
2. Toner
I LOOOOVVVEE TONER. After cleansing, aku pakai Simple toner guna cotton pad yang bulat tu. Nak tengok mana tau ada residue makeup or dirt kat cotton pad. Next, baru guna Hada Labo Hydrating Lotion to double up my hydrating game!! Dua-dua best. Simple best, Hada Labo pun best. Simple tekstur very watery compared to Hada Labo. Hada Labo pun watery jugak tapi dia pekat sikit tekstur dia n pakai sikit pun tak apa. Sebab dia rasa Hada Labo ni can spread very easy with a small amount of toner. Simple je aku rasa tk puehh letak sikit. Sebab dia rasa macam air. Kejap-kejap dah habis. Takut cannot last for a month or kalau nak kira paling lama, 2 months. So in my opinion, I prefer Hada Labo.
3. Eye cream
Yang ni aku baru pakai. Bekas memang kecil. Tapi harga dia ya rabbiii....
Tapi aku dapat offer RM70 daripada harga asal RM94, tak silap. This not a cream okay. Usually produk bawah mata keluarkan dengan tekstur cream-like. Tapi yang ni gel. Bagi sesiapa yang tengah mencari eye cream/eye product, beli yang tekstur gel macam ni. Aku suka tekstur gel kalau letak bawah mata. Sejuk, soothing, kalau letak benda ni kat peti ais boleh reduce the puffiness. Gel sifat dia cool compared to cream. Senang meresap. Setengah eye cream lambat meresap. Tapi yang ni belum lagi reduce my dark circle. We'll see in future.
4. Moisturizer
Ni pun baru pakai. Last one aku pakai moisturizer pudding cream from Pink by Pure Beauty. Yang tu dia dah rasa tak best sebab bau tak best. Bau macam bau ketibas hahahah
Tapi lupakan pasal ketibas ituu! Aku purchased this moisturizer sebab dia gel and sensitive pH. So macam kalau pH korang kurang mungkin this one boleh cover up your pH. So far pakai ni tiada masalah. Takda irritation. Sesetengah gel moisturizer best sebab cepat serap tapi satu je, selalu rasa pedih. Tak tau pedih pasaipa. Mesti adaaaa je rasa pedih tu. Tapi yang ni dia jaga.
5. Sunscreen/Sunblock
Ni yang terbaru tak silap. Mahal harga dia. Dalam RM40++ camtuu. Krim dia warna purple lavender. Bau wangi hokeyyy. I lurvee!! Tekstur dia macam cream-like. Bukan gel. Tapi senang meresap. And after korang apply kat muka, korang akan perasan finishes dia ada glitter sikit. Tak tau la benda tu bagus ke tak untuk kulit. So far okay.
Kesimpulannya di sini nak bagitau, routine kali ini is not the best. I got acne but I still can't figure out which product that cause me acne. Memula aku rasa sunscreen ni punca dia. Pastu aku stop using it. Aku pakai la skincare yang lain macam biasa. Tapi my acne still there even dah pakai ubat jerawat pun. Dia macam acne tu kecut pastu tumbuh balik. Is it the moisturizer? Is it the toner? Cleanser tu bagus. I use the cleanser macam biasa. Bila pakai, dia kecut sikit. Sikit je. I dont know which cause me the acne!!
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