Jun 16, 2017

Review: Nano White Fresh Aqua Sleeping Essence.

Halloo. Finally, I got the chance to update my product review. I have use other Nano White Fresh products, before I tried this one. The products that I use are NWF Foam Cleanser, NWF Matifying Moisturiser and NWF Anti Dull Scrub. Honestly, out of 3 products that I have used, I lovee the matifying moisturizer more. Nanti I buat review ketiga-tiga jenis produk on another day coz right now I wanna talk about NWF Aqua Sleeping Essence.

Ok, this sleeping essence is my sisters'. So I'm not sure the price. Tapi I dah tengok harga di Guardian online around RM24.90. My sister bought this for herself. Then I realized her vanity desk have been cleared up. Sleeping essence ni dah tak ada. Rupa-rupanya dia dah buang dalam tong sampah! Aduuh. Sayangnyaaa. I took it and told her I want this. Dan sejak itu I pakai this thing every night before going to bed. Details and the ingredients on the box I tak sempat baca so I tak dapat listkan the ingredients. Details yang ada pada packaging ni I'll list it down below.

Nanowhite Fresh Aqua Sleeping Essence is enriched with Red Seaweed, Sodium Hyaluronate, Tea Tree Oil, Sea Algae and Vitamin C, hydrate and moisturize skin, promote skin whitening while you sleep. It helps refine skin texture, regulate sebum and brighten overall skin tone. Wake up to a fresh, supple and radiant skin. Can be use as night cream or sleeping mask.

After cleansing and toning, spread sufficient quantity on the face and neck. Massage gently in an outward and upward motion and leave it overnight. Recommended to apply thicker and use it every night.


I tried this product for like past few weeks. Baru lagi sebenarnya. Tapi I dah makin suka dengan produk ni. At first I was planning to buy the Laneige Sleeping Mask yang orang dok gembar gemburkan. Tapi dah rezeki untuk mencuba Nwhite Fresh ni. But twas okay.

It has turquoise color and has the consistency of gel. It is water-based and cepat meresap. Mula-mula I pakai ni rasa macam sticky on a skin sebab dia kata recommended to apply thicker. So I apply thicker. Hari pertama tu, very very sticky. I bangun pagi, sticky plus berpeluh lagi. I husnudzon jelah. I keep applying it every night. Hari kedua twas okay. Hari ketiga pun okay. Dah lama-lama like a week or 2 weeks, every morning I bangun, kulit lembut gila! Sumpah I keep looking on a mirror. Haha. And sentuh-sentuh sikit my pipi. Yes, it does brightens my skin tone. Nampak sekata dan tak kusam. Sebelum ni I oily skin gila. Sekarang ni I rasa macam dah less oily. I don't know if its only me feel that way, but yeah I feel different sikit.

The best thing is, I pakai foundation sumpah smooth esfak and the foundation blended very well! Sebelum ni bila I taruk foundation mesti rasa cakey nak mampos. Mungkin masa tu kulit I macam kasar-kasar sikit dengan whitehead nya, dengan parutnya, jerawatnya lagi. Itu yang foundation tak boleh nak bekerjasama blend dengan sekata pada kulit. I hari tu practice makeup sendiri untuk raya nanti. I pakai la foundation, memang senang nak blend. Sebab apa tau...kulit kita dah lembut dan semakin sihat jadi kalau nak letak makeup memang senang sangat-sangat.

Jerawat dah kurang tumbuh. Ha lupa nak cakap pasal ni. Jerawat pasir I dah segan-segan nak datang :) clean, smooth je dahi tak ada bintik-bintik. Kalau parut pula, it didn't help pun because this is not a scar treatment/cream ke apa. Memang sangat sesuai dengan kulit I. I'll repurchase this product. Tapi nak juga try yang Laneige Sleeping Mask. I will :) Maybe another day I buat review tentang tu. So that's all for today. Bai!


Anonymous said...

Sis i need help, i feel like having skin burn after applying this night cream, it dries up really quick, but its not causing any redness on my face, should i stop using it

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To Anonymous,

Yes, you should stop. Maybe because of the tea tree oil in it that didnt suits you

Anonymous said...

My skin also burns after applying but I feel it’s working ,just being 4 days since I started to apply

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To Anonymous,
If you experiencing skin burning i suggest you to put some soothing gel/aloe vera. It'll help to calm your skin

Anonymous said...

Skin i pun burn jugak. Maybe tak sesuai sbb kulit.i jenis combination-dry skin
Pipi kering. Siapa nk? I nak letgo.


Saya nak tanya, apa beza antara night cream nano white dgn nano ehite fresh sleeping agent?nmpk fungsi sama, tapi saya keliru nak guna mana satu? Saya kulit sensitif, umur 38

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

Nanowhite & Nanowhite fresh have two different effectiveness.
Nanowhite formulated untuk repair kulit, mostly mcm anti-ageing and for whitening.
While Nanowhite Fresh are for oily skin n kawal sebum kulit. Mostly product dia in gel type, senang meresap.
Choose which range that will suits with your skin condition.

Puan Sri Timoh said...

I baru nk try i taktau la suit ke tak tapi kalau tak suit melayang jgk duit

Anonymous said...

I baru nk try i taktau la suit ke tak tapi kalau tak suit melayang jgk duit

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

Hi sis,
Pergi try tester. Jangan main beli. Simple as that. Test je direct kat kulit muka. Tp make sure tk pakai mekap

Unknown said...

Hi sis, saya pon pakai ni jugak since 2-3 bulan lepas and Alhamdulillah so far kulit makin ok. But tiba2 curious pulak moisturizer ni pakai waktu malam je ke? Ke boleh jugak pakai waktu siang? Sebab selama ni saya pakai setiap malam dan pagi...

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

As far as I know, this is not a moisturizer. This is just essence. Use at night only...hence the name, Aqua Sleeping Essence. But how weird is that? Essence ni agak sama tekstur dia dengan mana-mana moisturizer. So i think it depends on your skin. If your skin needs more moisture or hydration, use moisturizer. And also if you need something that can lock all the product that you put on your face, top it up with moisturizer. Kalau sis okay dengan cara itu, pakai macam tu je pun dah memadai.

Bunga Hati said...

Hai sis I want to ask you kalau dah pakai essence ni lepas tu boleh ke apply serum kat muka?

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To bunga hati,
Serum tu tekstur ringan. Jadi, apply serum dulu baru essence ni

Anonymous said...

Hi nak tanya i baru jaa guna benda nii tapi sebelum nii mmg selalu guna nanowhite tapi baru baru nii try yng sleeping essence nii, awal tuu rasa laa mcm pedih tapi sekejap jaa rasa dia lepastu dah okay, kulit normal tapi kadang mcm dry jugak cuma tak teruk, nak tanya sesuai ke produk ni dengan saya patut guna atau tak?

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To Anonymous,
Nak tanya dah berapa lama guna? Sy pun memula camtu dia pedih. Pedih kat area misai sahaja. Awak pulak kat mana bahagian pedih tu. Menyeluruh ke?

Nur nilam sari said...

Hai, saya dah pakai set nanoehite fresh dlm 6 bln. Mmg boleh kawal minyak, cuma parut jerawat saya sukar hilang. Still leaving kesan merah pada kulit saya. Saya jns kulit cerah. Maka, bolehkah saya pakai serum merawat jeragat dari brand lain (Pure revitalation oil : brand CHARMS), kemudian baru pakai aqua sleeping esence?

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To Nur Nilam Sari,
For your info, nanowhite fresh ni tak claim pun boleh pudarkan parut. Dia just claim boleh brighten your skin, your complexion but that doesn't mean it can brighten your scars. Kalau nak pudarkan parut, ada produk khas dia yang lain. Kalau cara sy nak pudarkan parut sy guna oil and sapu pada kawasan parut saja bukan seluruh muka. Lepas sy baca sikit ingredient oil brand Charms tu, ternyata mmg sesuai utk pudarkan parut. Tp sapu guna satu jari je dan bubuh pada prut shj. Oil ni letak pada step akhir lepas basuh, toner, aqua sleeping essence, baru lah oil. Sebab oil ni lambat meresap so kita letak kt muka pada akhir step. Tq

Zakiah Ahmad Fuat said...

Sis, dah try ke laneige sleeping mask?
NWF Aqua Sleeping Essence ni mmg BEST! Tak terkira berapa bekas dah saya guna, byk bekas yg saya bg kat kawan & adik buat pin case ke apa.. Hahaha
Saya start guna NWF range dalam 2017, tapi sampai 2020 saya tukar Some by Mi Miracle line hijau tuu, kulit jenis acne-prone sampai sekarang.. Huhu.. Pernah la cuba SBM sleeping mask yuja niacin 15g, tp tak sesuai. Lepas pakai mesti break out. Dah terjebak dengan K-skincare ni, rasa nak cuba lah juga Laneige tuuu, tapi mahal sangat.. Nak beli dari local seller takut fake item.. mungkin akan repurchase balik la NWF ni.. Hihi

Zaidatul Hasna (Ana) said...

To Zakiah Ahmad Fuat,
saya tak try lagi laneige punya sbb too expensive. plus, nak try time covid2 ni tak kot. duit tak ada nak bazir2 hahaha.

saya pun dah lama stop NWF tp baca komen akak ni nak try balik ar. dulu stop sbb malas nak continue hahaha

Anonymous said...

Nak tanya saya baru beli nwf punya sleeping msk essence ni..bila aply tu rasa pedih panas sekejap ..pstu okayy dah ..produk ni sesuai ke tak?

Anonymous said...

nak tanya, bila kena apply mattifying moisturizer tu? sebelum apply sleeping essence ke? mohon sesiapa tolonggg😭

Zakiah Ahmad Fuat said...

Tak perlu apply moisturizer dah if belah malam pakai sleeping essence tuu.

Utk comment atas tu, why pedih.. U should patch test dulu mula2, if okay no allergy reaction use it. If okay, teruskan guna, mungkin pedih sikit dalam beberapa
pemakaian je.. Lepas tu, kulit dah boleh adapt okay je.