Dec 15, 2017

I have plenty of time so I do this..

Despite of my "business", i'm going to learn a new language! I am so excited. Well, i just learned the basic stuffs. I'm not into like speaking with the native speakers, i'm not there yet. But i hope i can get to that level.

You must be wondering what language that i'm going to learn, right? is Chinese Mandarin! I've just thought about learning the language today! I think i'm gonna skip the writing part because yeah you all know, Chinese characters are so hard to write & follow. So i'll just focus on speaking and reading in Chinese first. I just learned all the 5 tones (including the neutral tone) through some searches on Google and some YouTube videos few hours ago. I look excited, right? Yeah, i am! Haha!

But before that, i would like to story a bit laaa how come, when & why i want to learn this language. First of all, i'm not a linguist. But i like to berangan la macam i can talk different languages. Isn't it cool if i can speak in Tamil, Chinese, French, Arabic & etc? Looks cool right? I think about the "coolness" to myself. Moreover, i want to be friends with the Chinese. I never had Chinese friends before. Never had the feeling to be friends with them. When i go out and i see a bunch of malay & chinese talk together, i always thought of how is it feels like when you talk with them, when you joke around with them, when you working together & etc. All these questions keep running in my mind. Btw, i'm interested to know more about their culture in Malaysia, their family and many more. Most of them do business and their business keep getting profits even if its already 20-50 years. So, i want to get to know these peoples about what keeps them getting success, what keeps them positive and also how they keep discipline to get to the highest level in business. Macam begitu sekali kan? Haha. Well, i like inspired peoples. I hope they can inspire me.

So, back to my searches on Google just now. I searched on wikihow. They give me steps and rules to learn this language. First, beginners have to learn the basic things like the pronunciations. Mostly focus on the pronunciations of the alphabets or words. But most important is, you have to know the tones perfectly. I'm going to list it here below, tapi peringatan.........aku akan mix some malay & english to explain using my own words so embrace yourself!

Chinese mandarin have 5 different tones

  1. The first tone is a high & flat pitch
When you pronounce the words, you have to use the highest tone and you have to make it flat. So, for the writing e.g. is 

      2. The second tone is a rising tone

Contoh macam word "WHAT?" Sebut dengan nada terkejut. So you can hear the tone is rising from the lower to higher voice. That is the 2nd tone. The writing e.g. is 

      3.  The third tone is a dipping tone ( idk what dipping means lol )

Yang ni berlaku at the medium of your voice that is between your highest & lowest voice, and gets down to your lower voice. Dapat tangkap dak? Which means, from medium to lower voice. Gittew. The writing e.g. is 

      4.  The fourth tone is a falling tone

This one sama sikit dengan the 3rd tapi......dia progressively lower. From medium to progressively lower. The writing e.g. is 

      5. The fifth tone is a neutral tone

Ok yang ni paling simple. Neutral tone is a short & flat and start at the medium voice. Macam sebut perkataan takde harakat. The writing e.g. is ma

That's it lah! Class dismissed! Teacher is going to grab a dinner. Its almost supper time already. Its getting late. I will update sooner or later. Zaijian (it's chinese words, it means goodbye) :D

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